Resources & Reserve Study News in Illinois

Helpful information for Illinois Reserve Study Companies & HOA Industry Professionals

Illinois Reserve Study Legislation & HOA Reserve Fund Laws

The Common Interest Community Act requires the board to give each owner a copy of the proposed annual budget which shall provide for reasonable reserves for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance for repair or replacement of the common elements. 765 ILCS 160/1-45.

The Condominium Act requires the board of managers to adopt a budget that provides for reasonable reserves for capital expenditures and differed maintenance for repair or replacement of the common elements. To determine the amount of reserves appropriate, the board shall take into consideration any independent professional reserve study which the association may obtain. Any association without a reserve requirement in its condominium instruments may elect to waive in whole or in part the reserve requirements by a vote of 2/3 of the total votes of the association. 760 ILCS 605/9.

Disclosure statement shall include a statement of the status and amount of any reserve or replacement fund and any other fund specifically designated for association projects.

There is no statutory requirement to conduct a Reserve Study.

Source: Community Associations Institute Summary of State Reserve Fund Laws (Oct 2022)

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